Do the math. Cardano is the Future! Welcome to our Latest Delegators!

It's March 11, 2023 and I couldn't be happier to be part of this community.  Cardano is special due to it's simplicity and elegant staking structure.  My stake is not locked up and the ACT Pool is constantly producing blocks.  - The future is bright for the Cardano Eco-system!  

- Yes we are in a down market but what better time to build our portfolios with strong fundamental investments. I cannot think of another crypto with the potential that Cardano has.

Do the math and make a decision.

- We here at the Advanced Crypto Team have committed a pledge of 120,000 ADA! Compare that to others who have only committed a few thousand ADA.

- We only have a 1.99% fee. Compare that to others who have 2.0% to a whopping 5.0% fees to produce blocks.
- Most importantly what is the Advance Crypto Team's Annual Percentage Yield? Take a look into it ( -- we have beautiful lifetime Return on Investment of 4.29% as I type this.
Please try and find a pool that has more. That's right -- there are only a few and those few are either close to being saturated or pledge less or even don't connect with their delegators! (Contact us anytime and we will answer within 48 Hours!)

BOTTOM LINE -- Please Support your single pool and join us here at the ACT Pool

----- WELCOME TO THE TEAM! -----
12 Mar 2023